Get Help with PEP
Learn how you can prevent HIV with PEP
Get help with PEP.
CAP offers resources to help folks get connected to PEP in Oregon and SW Washington. These services are free. Call 503-223-5907 to get in touch with a Navigator, Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM. Outside of these hours, visit an urgent care or the emergency department within 72 hours. The sooner PEP is started after a possible HIV exposure, the better.
What is PEP?
PEP is an emergency medication that prevents HIV after a confirmed or suspected exposure. This medication must be taken within 72 hours of the exposure, then for 28 days afterwards. PEP only prevents HIV, not STIs or pregnancy. PEP is a combination of two medications; make sure you receive two medications from your provider when getting PEP.
Is PEP right for me?
PEP is for any person not living with HIV who thinks they may have been exposed to HIV. Some common reasons folks ask about PEP include:
Anal or vaginal sex without a condom
Condom break or slip during sex
Sexual assault
Needle stick or needle sharing
HIV can only be transmitted through exposure to blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, breastmilk, vaginal fluids, or rectal fluids. HIV cannot be transmitted without exposure to at least one of these. These fluids must come in contact with a mucous membrane, damaged tissue, or be directly injected into the bloodstream via needle/syringe for transmission to occur. Mucous membranes are found inside the rectum, vagina, penis, and mouth. Some exposures carry more risk than others. Contact our navigation services for further questions about your risks.
How do I get PEP?
CAP cannot prescribe PEP. You will need a prescription from a provider (MD, DO, NP, and/or ND) to get PEP. CAP navigators can assist in directing you to an urgent care or emergency room where you can get a PEP prescription. At your visit, you will talk to your provider about your concerns and complete an HIV test.
If you run into any troubles during your visit, please know you are not alone. Contact a PrEP Navigator for additional help or refer your provider to the PEP Helpline for Providers at 888-448-4911. You can also show them this letter from the Oregon Health Authority that talks about the importance of prescribing PEP early.
How do I pay for PEP?
Insurance usually covers PEP prescriptions, and there is patient assistance in cases where there isn’t full coverage. Patients are still responsible for urgent care or emergency department visit copays. PrEP navigators can assist with finding coverage to ensure that PEP is affordable for you.
Need PEP?
Call us M-F from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM for navigation assistance at 503-223-5907
Or you can visit any urgent care or the emergency department to get PEP assistance