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Tell Your Oregon Legislators to Fund LGBTQ+ Health

Prism Health needs your help to continue to provide LGBTQ+ affirming healthcare!

CAP has been advocating for the Legislature to earmark $2 million of the state budget for a planned new location of Prism Health, our LGBTQ+ health center. Prism’s original location doesn’t have enough space to accept many new patients, and our wait list often reaches into the hundreds. The new Prism site, which is scheduled to open in late 2023/early 2024 in Portland’s Eliot neighborhood, will allow us to provide LGBTQ-affirming healthcare for up to 3,000 new patients—but we need help from the state for the cost of renovations and equipment. That’s where you come in!

  1. Copy the email template below and paste it in a new email.

  2. Then, replace the text that's [bold and in brackets].

  3. Send the email to your state representative and state senator (if you don't know who those are, you can look it up here) and cc the following key members of the budget committee:


 Dear [Rep./Sen. Their Last Name]--

My name is [Your Name], and I'm a constituent. [Add any more relevant info about yourself—e.g., I'm also a patient at Prism Health, or I’m also a member of the LGBTQ+ community.]

I’m writing to ask you to advocate for Cascade AIDS Project’s request for capital funding of their LGBTQ+ health center, Prism Health. Prism provides affirming healthcare for over 1,500 patients, helping address the health disparities LGBTQ+ Oregonians face. Unfortunately, the health center lacks the space to accept many new patients, and its waitlist commonly stretches into the hundreds. Funding from the Legislature would allow Prism to expand to a second location, and thus serve up to 3,000 new patients.

I care about LGBTQ+ health because [your reason—no longer than a sentence].That's why I hope you'll do everything you can to support CAP’s funding request. 


[Your Name]