Exciting News from CAP + Our House of Portland


Friends and Supporters,

We wanted you to be the first to know about some exciting news between Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) and Our House of Portland (Our House).

CAP and Our House have been working in partnership for over 30 years. Together, our two organizations have been exploring how an integration of our programs, services, and administrative operations might maximize our collective capacity to serve people living with, and affected by, HIV in every stage of life, throughout Oregon and SW Washington.

We aim to create a streamlined continuum of healthcare and support services, thus promoting well-being and advancing equity for people affected by HIV and AIDS, LGBTQ+ people, and all those seeking compassionate care. In doing so, we also reduce overall cost to the system.

For nearly four decades, HIV and AIDS has continued to evolve, and our organizations have transformed and become nimbler and more adaptable in response to the needs of our community. Coming out of last year, we know now more than ever it is important that we have a strong yet flexible infrastructure in place to tackle complex care at all stages of life for our clients. We believe that our history of collaboration and resource-sharing, the alignment of the populations we serve, and our combined vision all provide a foundation for an even stronger and more unified organization.

So, the Board of Directors of each organization are currently doing their due diligence and actively exploring options for an innovative and sustainable partnership. We will know more in the months ahead, but we wanted you to be among the first to know about this exploration.

We will be announcing several opportunities for you to join the leadership of both organizations to learn more about this journey ahead, but in the meantime, we wanted to share with you this important organizational update. 

Tyler & Mary Rita


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