International Nonbinary People’s Day

 July 14th is International Nonbinary People’s Day! We’re celebrating at CAP, Our House and Prism by sharing a bit about the history of this day and sharing resources for our nonbinary community members.

International Nonbinary People’s Day was first observed in 2012—10 years ago this year. The day is aimed at celebrating the rich variety of nonbinary identities and organizing around the barriers faced by nonbinary people.

One of these barriers is legal acknowledgement of nonbinary identities—which Oregon has a unique history in the fight for. Oregon was the first state in the U.S. to offer an ‘X’ gender marker on state IDs and driver's licenses, beginning in 2017. As of 2019, any person in Oregon may choose a gender marker of their choosing on their driver's license or identification card without any requirements of “proof of gender.” Oregon also allows anyone to amend their birth certificate to include an ‘X’ gender marker as of January 1, 2018.

Access to affirming health care and other services is also an essential priority for supporting nonbinary people. Are you a nonbinary person interested in how CAP + Our House + Prism Health are here to support you? Check out our services and resources specifically tailored to trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming community members:

·       Visit Trans Pantry Day at Esther’s Pantry

·       Learn about Gender Affirming Care at Prism Health

·       Follow the CAP Prevention Team on social media to be in the loop about upcoming testing events tailored to the trans and nonbinary community


City of Portland, Multnomah County Invest in LGBTQ+ health


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