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Meyer Memorial Trusts awards Cascade AIDS Project two-year grant to explore Prism Health as a Federally Qualified Health Center

Portland, OR | January 10, 2018 - CAP is proud to announce that it has been awarded $113,000 from Meyer Memorial Trust to assess and pursue Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status for Prism Health. The two-year grant will allow the agency to bring on a consultant to help CAP and Prism leadership explore what it takes to become an FQHC, then make the requisite improvements to systems and processes, and ultimately complete the involved application process.

Becoming an FQHC allows Prism Health to reach a wider patient population, with greater barriers to accessing care – such as very low income, certain racial/ethnic identities, and older age. Ultimately, Prism Health aims to improve health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, plus all other gender and sexual minorities (LGBTQ+) across Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties. Becoming an FQHC makes sure we reach the LGBTQ+ population equitably and responsibly.

“Prism Health is honored to receive this grant from Meyer Memorial Trust. Our work over the next two years around becoming an FQHC is a critical component in improved LGBTQ+ health and reducing some of the major health disparities currently experienced by the population, especially around sexual and mental health,” says Peter Parisot, Deputy Director of CAP.

The program kicks off in January 2018 and will include a community health assessment, consultation, and a strategic action plan for establishing FQHC status.